New Year, New Opportunities…

2014 is here, and I welcome it.

I’m not doing a detailed review of 2013.  It was a creatively satisfying year in many ways, and year of being more health conscious and facing the world with a much better attitude.  My depression was largely under control, and I didn’t lose much time to it.  It was free on interpersonal drama.  Unfortunately, it was also the year that my mother got severely injured, and her survival was not guaranteed.  I’m glad to report that she’s almost back to her old self, and she’s well on her way to regaining her old strength.  That was tough on the whole family, as you can imagine, but it ended up much better than it could have.

In 2014, I have a clear set of goals:

1) Finish all my creative projects that are in the process of being done.  That means one new trade paperback, two 2nd editions of existing trade paperbacks, a prose anthology, a game resource book, a collection of textures and digital tools, and a full-scale resumption of the Johnny Saturn webcomic.  (No, it never went away, but my promotion efforts dwindled to nothing in 2013 during all the drama.)

2) Beat my sugar addiction once and for all.  Stop eating junk food.  I get the exercise, but with my eating under control I should take off the extra weight. I can’t wait to be healthy and energetic again.

3) Resume playing music.  I miss it, and my left hand is almost healed, and the discipline required is really good for my brain’s health.

4) Make new posters with digital painting or water color/acrylic.

There are some other goals, but they are not really the stuff you list out online.  I can only say that they too relate directly to my health and professional well being.

So, fair-thee-well 2013, and welcome 2014, I’m glad to see you!


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