Assorted News & Views…

Hi, Folks:

Item: A few typos were pointed out to us in today’s comic.  Thanks to Jason and SCAScott for being so attentive—your help is truly appreciated!

Item: Beginning today, we are offering the Johnny Saturn wallpapers on Webcomic Wallpapers, a new site for free or premium wallpapers.  Our wallpapers are free there, and available in a wide assortment of sizes.  The wallpapers will also continue to be free here, on this site.

Item: I’ve been listening to Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and sometimes Young for several days.  This music is intensely earnest and beautiful, and it reminds me that I was born in the wrong time period.  I would have loved to have been part of that scene.

Item: I just watched “Blow,” starring Johnny Depp and other great actors such as Paul Reubens.  While I was struck by the similarities to the movie “Lord of War,” I was not as similarly affected by “Blow.”  It was a good movie, and I’m glad I saw it, if nothing else for the kick-ass soundtrack.  Depp’s acting was, as usually, A++ material.  As actors go, I’m convinced he’s magic.

Item: As you might remember from last week’s blog entries, this past weekend Benita and I attended the Indiana Horror Writers Retreat in Converse Indiana at the historic Woodcarver’s building.  In some ways, it did not work out the way we expected; in other ways, it was a truly eye-opening experience.  There was a paranormal investigation being held in concert with the retreat, and three different ghost hunting groups and one wizard.  (I’m not being facetious—this wizard is the real deal).  Benita and I are both former ghost-experiencers, but the things we saw this weekend where still outstanding.

Indiana Horror Writers

Hi, Folks!

Benita and I have the distinct honor of being special guests at the Indiana Horror Writers’ Winter Writers’ Retreat, held in Converse Indiana at the historical (and haunted) Woodcarver’s Building. We’ll be there February 20 through 22, and we’ll be leading a workshop on writing for comics. This is going to be great fun, because this group is made up of experienced wordsmiths, and helping them take their existing skills into the world of sequential art should be a breeze! Benita and I expect to learn as much from these writers as they learn from us!