I'm looking for more work!

Hello, Everyone:

My name is Scott Story, and I’m an artist looking for more work.

I’m probably best known for my long-running webcomic at http://johnnysaturn.com, where I’ve been penciling, inking, and usually coloring this comic since 2005. It would be worthwhile looking through the site to check out what I produce.

As an indie freelancer in the print comic world, I’ve done work for numerous publishers, not the least of which include Amp Comics, Image Comics, Arcana, Arrow Comics, Blue Line Productions, Digital Webbing Presents, King Comics Group, Newbreed Comics, Nifty Comics, Powerful Press, Rogue Wolf Entertainment, and Rorschach Entertainment.

As sequential art goes, here are some of my favorite pages:


(There are many, many more examples I could post, but this gives you an idea of what I do.)

My single images have been used in ads, promotional posters, CDs, book covers, RPGs, and of course comic covers, and you can see a good cross section of my work at my new portfolio site at http://graphimancer.com/gallery/. There is material in a wide range of mediums, most being digital painting, but including graphite, pen & ink, markers, and other traditional media.

Thanks! Scott Story (scottstory at yahoo dot com)

Johnny Saturn Review

by Ian Shires on 11-30-2011 in Self-Publisher Magazine Online, 4 out of 5 stars:

We’re not going to get into the practice of reviewing first issues of series when they have been going for a while, but since I’m still warming up to the whole review thing again, and I saw this issue in Drive-Thru comic’s free spot in their newsletter, AND I remembered Scott from a number of years back…I thought I’d latch onto it, and see what was what. I have some recollection that I saw some previous incarnation of this character, because I do not remember this story. That being said, I really like this book. It starts off at the funeral of the hero in question. You gotta like that, cause then you have all the questions of how he died, who he was, who cared about him, and what will they do with the story from there. Scott and Benita provide a wonderful and rich world of heroes and mystery that only gets touched upon in this issue. Therefore, it does it’s job masterfully, and makes me want to read what I know are many more issues already out to come. So in that sense, I am glad I spotted this, and am proud to present it in case anyone out there has missed this series…it is truly worth looking into, and I hope to review more (hint hint, mr and mrs Story).
Ian D. Shires

The "Johnny Saturn" Store is Open For Business!

Hi, Folks!

I’m really proud to announce that our “Johnny Saturn” Store has gone live.

This means that the single page store that was formerly on this site is gone, replaced by the much more expansive “Johnny Saturn” Store site.

In addition to our comics and graphic novels, we are also selling original art and shirts. Comics are available as single issues, or in combo packs.

As original art goes, so far we have the pages from issue one posted for sale. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be adding art on up through issue 13.

In the near to intermediate future, we are also going to offer one-of-a-kind commissions, Scott Story sketchbooks, and digital versions of our books in various formats (pdf, cbr, etc.)

As the store develops, it is also our plan to ad professional grade posters and buttons.

So, please go to the “Johnny Saturn” Store, look around, and let me know what you think.

Scott & Benita

Updates and Plans!

Hi, Folks!

I haven’t blogged in quite a while on this site, so I figured now was a good time for an update.

As you may know, I’ve been ridiculously busy lately, often working around the clock on new ventures.  For example, Benita and I have been working together to comprehensively edit the second trade-paperback.  We are not simply rushing this sucker out the door, but doing it right.

I’ve threatened it for a long time, but now I’m in the middle of setting up a new “Johnny Saturn” store.  In the beginning, you can visit it to buy comics, trade paperbacks, t-shirts, and original pages.  We have some very interesting merchandising coming up soon, too.

As far as the original art goes, I’ve held onto all of it from the beginning.  Really, I normally have trouble letting go of original art, but it’s time.

Next week, I’m going to put issues 10 and 11 out on Drivethru Comics, Wowio, Panelfly, Graphic.ly, etc., and also make them available individually in printed format on Indy Planet.

So, besides sleeping, what have I been doing in my off time?  I’ve been loosing weight and trying to regain my health, and I’ve lost about 13 lbs. so far.  I’ve been taking all sorts of medicine to deal with my acid reflux, which has helped, because complications of this malady have made my life more stressful for a while.

My one side project right now is I’m creating a collection of high resolution textures.  These include bricks, fur, netting, woods, metals, and anything else I can think of.  I’m putting this collection together carefully, because I intend to make it available for sale, both online and at conventions.  Many of these textures also can be used as patterns.

Last but not least, for you artists out there, I’d like to tell you about my favorite brush.  They are Pentel Color Brush Pens, and they have a nylon brush tip capable of amazing thick-to-thin action as well as very, very fine lines.  Rather than dip the brush into ink, there is an ink cartridge inside the pen, and this really speeds things up.  It also makes it easier to ink on the move, since you don’t have to drag around open bottles of ink and water. The ink is water and light resistant, but you have to let the picture thoroughly dry after inking before you erase, because otherwise you could smear ink all over your work!

So, that’s what I’ve been up to.  Scott.

Assorted Cool News

“Wraith/Shadowflame/Johnny Saturn: Curse of the Cortez Stone” is now in previews!

More on “War of the Independants” in “Wizard Magazine”

The ironic part is that Johnny Saturn is fighting Spinner Rack Comics’ Toy Boy.  Tom Stillwell, creator and publisher of Spinner Rack, is a very good friend of mine.  Maybe this calls for an eventual Johnny Saturn/Toy Boy crossover.

Stuff, Stuff, the magicial noun…

Hi, Folks:

There’s a lot going on at Story Studios right now. 

First, a reminder that you can see me at the Kokomo Con on October 23—that’s coming right up!

We have a batch of beautiful “Johnny Saturn” shirts at the screen printers right now, and you are going to love them, and they are going to be priced low to sell.

We have a cool new page on Wowio, and it’s pretty nifty, I must say.

I am also in the process of setting up a Facebook Fan Page for “Johnny Saturn,” but I was forestalled yesterday because FB got slammed by people checking out the revamped groups option.  Here’s the link, but don’t bother to go there yet—it’s still empty.

I’m setting up a Deviant Art site for “Johnny Saturn” as well, but again I have only limited material on it right now.  I’ll announce next week when the DA and FB pages are ready to go.

Well, off with me to work on the latest episode—Have Fun, Scott!

Proof That My Wife is the Coolest Wife Ever

Story Studios Anniversary Gift for Scott (Crosspost from Basicallybenita.com)

For years, Scott has mentioned how cool it would be to have guitar straps that say Johnny Saturn on them – named for our comic book.  For years I have wondered when I was ever going to have the time to learn how to inkle weave letters.

Annie MacHale of A Spinner Weaver came to my rescue.  She has been weaving inkle bands for over 30 years and is a pro at it.  On her site, she posted pictures of some custom guitar straps she wove for someone, and that gave me the idea to have her weave them for me to surprise Scott.   So, about a month ago, I contacted her, told her what I had in mind, and got a quote from her to weave two guitar straps for Scott – one for his electric and one for his Ovation acoustic guitar. 

I was a very lucky girl.  I wanted something for Scott to celebrate the 5th anniversary of our company in style, and lo and behold the finished straps arrived in today’s mail at the office.  I called Scott and told him to meet me at the office at closing time and to bring his electric guitar.  He questioned me as to why, but I remained mute (which has been very hard to do over the last few weeks because I am NOT good at keeping secrets from Scott).

When 5:00 came around, Sandy and I got out the cameras, Scott got out his electric guitar, and I handed him the first strap wrapped in tissue paper.

You got me a present?

What’s this?

Oh. My. Gosh!

I love it!  Thank you!!!!!

Got to take off the old strap.  Got to put the new Johnny Saturn strap on the guitar.  This is so cool! 

How cool is this?  I mean do I look great or what?

What do you mean I have another present?

What did I do to deserve this?  I am the luckiest husband in the whole world.  I’m a little overwhelmed.

And there it is in all its glory.  I don’t know if you can tell, but Scott’s electric guitar is a pale yellow, which goes well with the strap colors.  Didn’t Annie do a magnificent job with these?  Now Scott can’t wait to show them off to all this music buddies.  And after this was done?

We went to one of our favorite celebration spots for supper.  Happy 5th Birthday Story Studios!  I can’t wait to see where the next five years takes us.

Contest on Benita's Site (Crosspost)

Happy Birthday Story Studios!!

Five years ago yesterday, Scott and I started our own business (officially) when we launched Story Studios, LLC.  This company oversees all our creative properties from art, to writing, to fiber arts, to our teaching, to everything we do creatively.

In order to celebrate our making it FIVE WHOLE YEARS, we are going to give away a Tie-Dyed Shirt in the winner’s size.  All you have to do is put a comment on this post telling me you want an original tie-dyed shirt by Sandy and I and what size you wear (Men’s S-XXL available).  The deadline for this contest is midnight Eastern Daylight Savings Time (US), Friday, September 24, 2010.  I will ship this shirt anywhere in the world, so you people outside the US who read this blog, this contest is open to you, too!

On Saturday morning, Sandy and I will randomly chose a winner from those posting comments to this blog post and we will make that shirt during our dyeing session that day (and take pictures of the shirt being made so you can see it).  We will email the winner to get their mailing address and the shirt will be on its way in Monday’s mail if we get the address in time.  How’s that for turn around service.

Tell all your friends to post a comment here.  You must include the size you want in order to qualify for the shirt